Friday, December 28, 2007

Have u EVER done something this stupid?

Did something REAL stupid on Christmas day.

It all started when I pressed F10 on the blue screen as the MS Operating System was booting i.e. when the PC was starting up...the rest is an angry blur >>>

I wiped out all the information on my  dumb can someone get. well i am that schmuck.

And cos I'm using WinXP, I also wiped out my user account too.

Now i had to go crawling back to every author, publisher(software and e-book), for duplicate links to copies of lost documents.   I even had to re-install everything in MSOffice.  Aaahh! The days when my nerdy eastern european friend Andrehs preached to me about the wisdom of portable hard-drives. I mocked him like the Israelites(or was it the jews?) mocked Jesus. Now i could only bite me tongue, strap my tail between my legs with heavy extra-duty Sellotape and beg him for all the wonderful programs he gave me for free once.

I dont still have a hard-drive, still a bit outta my reach about $400 something  for a reliable one, but i'll get there.

A nice lesson learnt there today!