Its crazy how powerful this intangible thing called "the internet" has become.
In the '80's, mankind barely knew how to work PC's and Mac's, talk more of IMing(that's another internet slang for 'chatting' if some old folks out there dont know, lol) to someone else on the other side of the globe....pause to ponder that again, scary ain't it?
Talking about scary, another thing that's a bit scary is the way internet millionaire's are popping up from every corner of the world nowadays - i intend to be one of them by the way - and making loads of money(not necessarily millions, but decent amounts) has never been SOO EASY.
Imagine making money by just writing whatever u feel like in your online diary, whoddathunkit?
Am i hearing someone - "there must be a catch somewhere", well yeah, to make flimsy money,
you can just post whatever u like on ur blog and hope for the measly cents that come your way(which u rightly deserve!).
On the flip side, if you are looking to make BIG BUCKS like me(muahahah!) - forgive me but i couldnt pass up that chance - with your online diary/blog, one sure route is thru Google Adsense. You see the ad's by google on the right and top of my blog, this is an advertisement service created by google to help website owners(aka webmasters) promote their websites, products etc. And as with most effective forms of adverstisent, u have to pay a small fee for the privilege. So every advertiser pays a certain amount to Google every time someone clicks on those ads. And the kind people at google pay a nice percentage (of whatever the advertiser pays to them) to those on whose blogs'/sites' where u clicked on the ad. Here's how to make money:

Need i say more? I have the e-book myself and it has poured me income fromt he moment i started applying his strategies. I constantly learn something new as i go back and re-read the e-book. It's jam-packed with such immense info that i cant believe he gives it away for free.
Enuff talk now, TIME FOR ACTION!